Guinot Radiance Bioxygene Mist Spray 100ml

Summary Details: The skin is effectively protected from various types of pollution and impurities'. '.strtoupper('r')eoxygenated, the skin is able to breathe freely and appears beautifully radiant'. '.strtoupper('m')oisturised, the skin feels soft and comfortable'. '.strto...
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  • Normal Retail Price:£27.35
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  • Delivery or Postage:see website
  • Total Cost:£27.35

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The skin is effectively protected from various types of pollution and impurities'. '.strtoupper('r')eoxygenated, the skin is able to breathe freely and appears beautifully radiant'. '.strtoupper('m')oisturised, the skin feels soft and comfortable'. '.strtoupper('p')rotective shield purisoft moringa seed extract creates a film that protects skin from environmental and domestic particles and other impurities by preventing their adherence to the skin's surface'. '.strtoupper('r')adiant and moisturised skin pro oxygene stimulates cell metabolism to restore radiance to the skin'. '.strtoupper('n')atural plant extract improves skin hydration'. '.strtoupper('d')efensive shield purisoft moringa seed extract boosts the skin's biological defences by preserving the vitality of bacteria, beneficial to the skin's biological balance'. '.strtoupper('t')o use shake well and spray over the face from a distance of 20 cm, keeping eyes closed'. '.strtoupper('a')void contact with eyes'. '.strtoupper('t')he convenient on the go size allows you to carry it with you for rapid use at any time of the day.

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