Gosh Velvet Touch Eye Liner Rebellious Brown 17 Brown

Summary Details: Gosh velvet touch eye liner is softand easy to apply and extremely wellcovering'. '.strtoupper('a') smooth and soft texture towork with can easily be toned out witha brush or applicator
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  • Normal Retail Price:£4.39
  • Voucher or Offer Value£0.00
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  • Delivery or Postage:£3.00
  • Total Cost:£7.39

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Superdrug - Superdrug is a fashion conscious beauty and health retailer committed to bringing the latest styles and trends to the streets. Our cosmetic range includes mascara, eye shadow, eye liner, lip gloss, lip balm, lipstick, blusher, foundation, brush kits, chee

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Gosh velvet touch eye liner is softand easy to apply and extremely wellcovering'. '.strtoupper('a') smooth and soft texture towork with can easily be toned out witha brush or applicator

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